
Man of steel shirtless
Man of steel shirtless

man of steel shirtless

  • ‘I stand on my tip-toes and flex every muscle in my body that I can.’.
  • ‘Paul was standing in front of a mirror flexing his invisible muscles without a shirt on.’.
  • ‘Ask a five-year-old to ‘make a muscle,’ and he'll automatically flex his biceps.’.
  • ‘Analysts say the former body builder and Hollywood icon is flexing political muscles not seen for years in California.’.
  • ‘Loveable cartoon character Popeye always flexes his biceps when he wants to show off his muscles.’.
  • man of steel shirtless

  • ‘But it is eerily impressive, like watching a brilliant young bodybuilder flexing his steroidal muscles.’.
  • ‘They stood before them, flexing their godly muscles.’.
  • ‘Gently flex your left foot and rotate your hip outward so that your foot is pointing to 11 o'clock.’.
  • ‘Then flex your wrists to bring your fingertips toward your chest.’.
  • ‘The boy gingerly flexed his fingers testing out his healed hand… everything seemed fine.’.
  • ‘Kel gingerly flexed the fingers of her right hand while her mind raced for an answer.’.
  • ‘As you flex your ankle, knee, and hip, your core will fall forward.’.
  • ‘Sitting at one of the long plastic tables in the cafeteria, Chelsea Stanford takes the opportunity to flex her ankle a few times.’.
  • ‘He flexed his ankle, silently thanking God that it had held out thus far in the evening.’.
  • ‘She groaned as she flexed her right ankle, it figured, she'd twisted it when she fell.’.
  • ‘Thanks to exercise classes, an eighty-something tests a newly replaced knee and another happily flexes both arthritic ankles.’.
  • ‘He listens to my belly, then takes me by the ankle, extending and flexing my hip.’.
  • ‘Land softly by flexing your ankles, as if you were in a second floor apartment and didn't want to wake your neighbors downstairs.’.
  • ‘I sat up slowly from my huddled position in the corner, flexing my pained ankle experimentally, and my movement caught the attention of my protector.’.
  • ‘And yes, while the splendour of Holme oaks, Magnolia grandiflora, Acacia and Eucalyptus is undisputed, they must be allowed room to flex their limbs to best advantage.’.
  • ‘Throughout the match he struggled to unleash the ball in excess of 100 mph, and more than once he flexed the troublesome joint while grimacing in pain.’.
  • ‘Exercising the calf muscles every half hour while seated by spending a few minutes flexing and rotating the ankles is also recommended to reduce the effects of stasis.’.
  • ‘Bend the main joint, flex another smaller joint to propel the body forward, then stop the motion by repeating it again.’.
  • Work the turn from there by flexing your ankles first then your knees next until you reach the end of your turn.’
  • ‘As you initiate your turn your leg should be long with your hips up.
  • ‘As you flex your ankles, knees and hips, the angle of your front shin with the ground should match the angle of your spine with the ground.’.
  • ‘Over the last few days I've been thinking about all the things I won't be able to do with the limb flex my ankle, wiggle my toes, point my foot left and right.’.
  • ‘All these bones articulate with other bones and are able to make tiny interdependent movements, as well as bend or flex themselves.’.
  • ‘it's important to prevent the damaged wrist from flexing’.

  • Man of steel shirtless